Sunday, June 17, 2007

taking the pedigree out of the pedigree chart

2 important forms in the world of genealogy research are the pedigree chart and the family group record. The word pedigree, however can easily sets off negitive ideals surrounding the breeding of animals like dogs and horses, and can be read as offensive and belittling. More familiar terms of like full-blooded [Indian] or mixed [white and black] do not seem to so easily bother us.

But it is the pedigree chart which seeks to illustrate ancestral lineage by generation. This chart is a standard in genealogy research and can be found without the word pedigree on it. These reproducible charts are available by clicking on the highlighted links.

The family group record creates more detailed documentation of each ancestral pair and their children. By filling in one of these for each couple on your pedigree chart, you can further develop your research and more documentation of your family history.

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